Recording Sessions

Sides Demo Sessions (November 26-27, 2004 & January 29, 2005)
James and Doug got together several times to begin making demos for the new album. Ben and James had music night every Thursday for months, but strangely, they never took any pictures.

The Bear Lake Sessions (June 20-25, 2005)

Kevin and James arrived to Bear Lake on the evening of Monday, June 20, 2005. They spent that night and the next morning setting up gear. The next day, Ben, Doug, and Doug's brother, Scott, arrived. Over the course of the next four days they recorded what would become the Sides project. Here is the photographic documentation of this event.

Drum Sessions in Orem, UT (July 24, 2005)
The original idea of Bear Lake was to record nice acoustic versions of our songs, but we soon realized that many of our songs deserved the treatment of a full band. We enlisted Richard Robbins, Doug's cousin, to come up from St. George and spend a day tracking drums. This is completely bassackards since you usually record drums and bass first and then guitars and vocals. Oh well. We'll get it right next time. Doug and I thought that maybe he would be able to record on a dozen or so tracks, but Richard "The Man of Steel" Robbins blazed through twenty-four songs. One must keep in mind that he recorded at least three or four takes per song and that he barely knew the music. We were simply amazed by his ability and the project owes much of its strength and mood to Richard's drumming.

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