Welcome to our website

Dear sir or madam,

Welcome to our website. We endorse file sharing so feel free to spread our music far and wide. We only ask that you tell others about this website so that they can tell others and…well, you get the point.

We like lossless audio so we have provided our albums in FLAC format. If you are unfamiliar with lossless audio, then please research the topic and educate yourself. If you insist on remaining in the shadows of ignorance, we also offer our music in the mp3 format at 256 kbps. If you use the Mozilla Firefox browser, and we hope you do, we recommend this nifty plug-in to download these files.

In addition to our music, for each album we have a document that contains lyrics, credits, and in-depth notes about the writing and recording of each song. We also have artwork that was designed by Doug, one of the guitarists. Isn’t he a great photographer? We think so. If you should decide to print the artwork, make sure you do the following; otherwise, it may come out too small for the CD case.

  • First, make sure you have the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader.
  • Second, open the file.
  • Third, under “File,” select the “Print” menu.
  • Fourth, on the left hand side you will see a drop down menu that says “Page Scaling.” Do you see it? Good. Make sure "None" is selected (it might say “Reduce to Printer Margins").
  • Now, print off the artwork and make CDs for your family, friends, neighbors, or random strangers on the bus.

The Sides Project began over three years ago. A-Sides represents what we believe to be the most cohesive songs from the group. However, many of the songs on B-Sides are just as strong. C-Sides is composed mainly of outtakes, demos, and rarities from the past decade of playing music together.

Finally, we have included three more albums: To the Face of the Sun, our first album; A Very Asher Christmas, a collection of holiday favorites; and, Bolster’s Calamity, some demos we made just after high school.

Please leave comments and let us know what you think. Also, let us know if you find any problems - broken links and such. Once we work out the kinks, updates will be infrequent. But tell your friends – and that random person on the bus – about our music. Enjoy!



Rich said...

The Vermicious Knids will strike again.... soon.

R&RNeely said...

Good job James, you guys sound great!
Keep up the talent!
Hope you and your family are doing well!
Keep in touch!

Please take care!

Your Cuz,


James, what a cool site. Keep up the great work and hope everything is going great at school!

Uncle, Stephen Krause

Ben said...

Hey James, I was going to add your blog to my blogroll and now its gone, I think, or you changed the name and made it private. But hey, you have a band website, I'll check it out tomorrow.

. said...

all i can say is..."Asher rocks!" and, well, the usual, "ultimate frisbee". you catch my drift

ykrause said...

So, thanks for including all the "step 1, step 2, step 3" sequential instructions and explanations with your blog, for those of us who haven't a clue about what you referred to without that. I haven't checked out this site before. I got it through Becky's site (cousin). I'm looking forward to visiting it again!

Doug said...

Doug was here.